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$.jnotify() Demo

Display this message as a jnotify :


And / or specific informations that will override preset ones

time in seconds after wich the jnotify will disapear ; 0 to make it stay

be sure to have a '.jnotify-'+css class set (ie: .jnotify-info, .jnotify-error...)

Set as default preset :

Add a new preset :

time in seconds after wich the jnotify will disapear ; 0 to make it stay

may be anything having a meaning for you ; if not set will use the name of the preset

be sure to have a '.jnotify-'+css class set ; if not set, uses type value

Update a preset :

time in seconds after wich the jnotify will disapear ; 0 to make it stay

may be anything having a meaning for you ; if not set will use the name of the preset

be sure to have a '.jnotify-'+css class set ; if not set, uses type value

Remove a preset :

If you want to see the commands executed on every actions, open your console (firebug, chrome...).